Mmm. Mhm. Yes that's tasty.
I don't know if you've ever heard of Day One, but that synth definitely gives me similar vibes.
I love all the little modulations and perc hits occurring throughout the song. It's the little things that make the big picture!
Reading through your notes, I noticed the 20-200 Hz comment with the bass. I'm also told similar things about my tracks (see Escape), so maybe I'll take a look at doing that. The only concern is that perhaps with all that bass, it muds up and you don't get as much clarity. Be especially careful in moments like that in-between section with mostly sub and pad, there was one note (2:09ish) that was a little harsh on the ears. Still, I'm gonna take a look into that for my own tracks!
3xosc is so underrated. I may not use it anymore cuz I switched to Baebleton, but I miss it every passing day.
Great track, it wouldn't surprise me at all if round 1 went to you. Keep it up!